Monday – Friday: 7:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Sunday & Public Holidays: 9:00am – 3:00pm

Public Holidays’ Opening Hours May Vary

Brickies Sand


Yellow Brickies Sand is ‘fatty’ sand most commonly used for brick and blockwork. ‘Fatty’ sand refers to the high clay content in the sand, which repels water (like fat) allowing the sand to become stickier and more workable when mixed with cement. The standard ratio for Yellow Brickies Sand mortar is 6 parts sand to 1 part cement.

Brickies sand is used for

  • blending mortar for bricklaying.
  • under paving.
  • general filling.


Delivery NOT included in price. It will be calculated at checkout. For orders over 6m3 please phone our friendly staff on 9274 5757.

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